BEWARE! The Most Dangerous Man on Earth is about to Strike

THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN THAT EVER LIVED and who is still alive today was, and is, Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh. He came to give every human being the free gift of salvation by dying on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin nature. How dangerous is He? Well HeContinue reading “BEWARE! The Most Dangerous Man on Earth is about to Strike”

The reason why it was possible for Jesus to be born without corrupted flesh

I recently read an article by a Christian writer wherein he states human flesh became corrupted in the Garden of Eden when Adam sinned by disobeying God and since we are the offspring of Adam our flesh is also corrupted and we now carry a sin nature. Nothing wrong with that deduction. But then heContinue reading “The reason why it was possible for Jesus to be born without corrupted flesh”

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